Sustainable Eating

Shop Local & Seasonal

Try to buy as much of the food you will consume from local sources.  Pesticide-free is best for you and the earth.  Avoid imported and packaged foods as much as possible. 

Bags & Shopping Containers

Always BYOB!  That includes produce bags, shopping bags, small bags or jars for spices, and even large containers for meat and fish. 

Animal Products

Animal products should come from small, regenerative farms that pasture raise animals.  Regenerative permaculture is great for soil and captures carbon.


Bring your own containers to restaurants for your take-out or take-home food.


Support local, regenerative, permaculture farms which are saving our soil.

Food Waste

Do you best to minimize food waste, as it is a huge source of environmental damage.  

Save your veggie clippings to make veggie broth- freeze it in glass jars.

Save your bones to make bone broth- freeze it in glass jars. 

Compost the rest.